See key features of the southern sky through astronomical telescopes and learn how to navigate the night skies.
About this event
This activity explores the stars, planets and moons visible in the Southern Hemisphere through astronomical telescopes and introduces apps used to navigate the night skies. Bring your own astronomy gear or binoculars if you have any. In the event of cloudy weather this activity will go ahead as an indoor astronomical research activity in the Discovery Room, learning about what there is to see in the skies and how to find it.
This session is presented by Mike Cleeland, Education Officer at Bunurong Coast Education.
Meet at the Bunurong Environment Centre at the corner of Ramsey Blvd and The Esplanade in Inverloch for an introduction to the topic and a safety briefing. The group will travel to the viewing site about five kilometres away. Participants will need their own transport and warm clothing is advisable.
Bookings and Info: