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Join the Astronomical Society of Victoria today!


In addition to our public AstroTalks often including invited guest speakers, the Society invites members to regular get-togethers – including observing sessions – at various ASV sites in metropolitan Melbourne and at the ASV dark sky near Heathcote in central Victoria. Some meetings are also available online and there are social media groups covering specific and more general astronomical interests.
There are also social events such as a ‘Star-Be-Cue’ and other activities where members of all skill levels and experience meet to discuss all things astronomical.

Membership Renewal

Members will receive an email when the annual renewal is due for payment. Your membership card also shows the month when the renewal is due. (The membership card does not expire unless you choose not to renew).The renewal can be made using the Stripe service on the renewal page of the website.

If you have any membership related queries please contact the Membership Secretary:

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